Westinghouse AP1000 Plants
Westinghouse Electric Company, Cranberry Township, PA. Working in the AP1000 Auxiliary Equipment Engineering group as the lead of the seismic equipment mounting loading evaluations activities. In charge of performing usage calculations, which seismically evaluated equipment mounting for most of the AP1000 Auxiliary Equipment including Safety Related Tanks, Heat Exchangers, Degasifier Columns, Motor Control Centers (MCCs), Electrical Panels, Air Handling Units, Air Tank Package, Battery Racks, Local Panels, Pumps, and other equipment/components. Recommended mounting details for abnormal conditions. Management of scope for work and schedule adherence. Provided input on seismic anchorage requirements to develop and clarify the equipment design specifications. Reviewed vendor’s seismic calculation reports. Performed Finite Element Analyses (FEA), including modal, thermal, structural, and local buckling analysis, of equipment/components using ANSYS.